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You may call us at 780-306-5656, or use the online booking above, to book your in-person appointment.

2nd Floor, 6925 Gateway Blvd NW
Inside the Canadian Cancer Care Building
East Entrance

Free parking

ECCFM General Practice Physicians

Dr. Adhikar Gokul


Dr. Adhikar Gokul was born in Halifax, NS and is a graduate of the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine in Durban, South Africa. Dr Gokul is a specialist in family medicine with certification from the College of Family Physicians (CCFP). He is an established and highly skilled physician with over 15 years of experience, working in Edson and Edmonton.

His passion is driven by the bonds he builds with his patients over the course of their lives and the enjoyment he holds in keeping them healthy and well.

“I love supporting my patients and empowering them through all walks of life and I see myself as a partner in their healthcare. I especially enjoy building relationships and working with patients to help them as they establish their healthcare goals and needs.”
– Dr. Gokul

In his spare time, Dr Gokul enjoys traveling, watching live theatre and playing squash in the Edmonton Squash League. He is very excited to be part of Edmonton Comprehensive Care and Family medicine team and is proud to work with such a fantastic team of practitioners.